Guerrera Azteca, Translates to “Aztec female warrior”. She stands tall, in warrior attire, her face painted with symbols of readiness for battle. The image incorporates the spirit of News 3, where we find ourselves as little fish in a big pond, fighting relentlessly like warriors in our quest for truth. The eyes, often called the window to the soul, reflect our unwavering determination and resilience like warriors ready to face any challenge. The black and white symbolizes the eternal struggle between truth and lies, light and darkness, good and evil. The warrior's outfit represents not just her identity but also serves as camouflage, blending with the surrounding environment, always prepared to defend what is right. The feather she proudly wears echoes the majestic eagle, a symbol of courage and wisdom. As we step onto the frontlines between heaven and hell, even in the face of a seemingly losing battle, we stand for the innocent and embrace the valor of those who came before us.